Home Products 39 Unexpected Early Cancer Symptoms

39 Unexpected Early Cancer Symptoms

by Universalwellnesssystems


“I had no symptoms, but I had this weird dream that I couldn’t forget. It sounds weird, but it’s true. My mom died of cervical cancer in March 2020. We found her diary, and in 2017 she wrote, ‘I think I have cancer,’ but she was so scared she never went to the doctor. Then a year later, in October 2021, I had a dream that my mom came into my living room and sat on the couch. She had a big purple dot on the right side of her neck, and I asked, ‘Mom, what’s that on your neck?’ And she looked at me and said, ‘Don’t end up like me. Go and ask a doctor, or it will mean death.’ I woke up right after it. It was a weird dream, but I tried to forget it, but something just wouldn’t leave my mind.”

“So in February 2022, I decided I needed to get tested anyway after all, and made an appointment to see my doctor for the first time in years.

All my blood work was normal, and my urine was fine. The only thing the doctor was concerned about was my blood pressure and weight, which were a little higher than his norm, and he recommended some lifestyle changes. Towards the end of the consultation, the doctor said, “Now, to show you that I’ve been thorough, let’s do a quick physical exam.” When he felt my neck and checked my lymph nodes, his face changed and he said, “You have a nodule on your thyroid. Most of these are probably benign, but I’ll refer you to an endocrinologist just to be sure.”

To make an already long story short, it was not benign. I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer in April 2022 and had a total thyroidectomy in May 2022 to remove a 3.7cm tumor from my neck. I have been doing well ever since and have had no signs of cancer for the past 2 years. I will have to get regular checkups for the rest of my life though. Because papillary cancer develops slowly, my endocrinologist said I could have had it for over 10 years. He said I am now more likely to die from something else than die from this cancer.

I don’t necessarily believe in the paranormal, do not have I don’t believe it either. So, did my mother appear to me in a dream to warn me about the tumor? Did I know about it subconsciously and my body manifested the dream to let me know about it? Was it all just a coincidence? I don’t know, but either way, I’m glad I listened to that dream.”

u/This isn’t true

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