Home Products 38 Things That Should Be Required Teachings In Sex Ed

38 Things That Should Be Required Teachings In Sex Ed

by Universalwellnesssystems

twenty two.

“It’s normal for women to have strong sexual desires, and we have the same right to act on them as men do.”


“My school’s program was focused on making sure girls weren’t forced to have sex, so it seemed like women never wanted sex and were only having sex to get male attention.” It looked like they had good intentions, but they accidentally created a bias.”


“I wanted to be told that sex isn’t just for guys, it’s also for girls. I spent all of my late teens and early 20s having sex, It was always centered around women and their women, and I felt horrible and embarrassed afterwards.” “I thought I just didn’t like sex, because I didn’t want to have sex and was disgusted by it.” , I thought I had a low sex drive. That realization came to me when I was with my current partner, who is 26 years old. He was focused on me the entire time we had sex, and I wanted to change the situation. He listened to me, he made it important for me to have an orgasm, he talked to me, he asked me questions about everything, he liked me and he wanted me to be happy. What I want and he does it! It’s all minimal but it’s like a whole new world. I feel like I’m his partner and we give each other great experiences every day. When we have sex, as it should be, it hasn’t been my experience before. Now I don’t feel taken advantage of by him, so I have the best sex drive imaginable. I feel respected, loved, and an equal.

I didn’t realize it until recently, but I realized that sex is something women are really ashamed of, that they only do it to get pregnant or to please a man, and that if they get pleasure from sex, they’ll be happy too. I grew up always thinking that. That was no good. I realize now how terrible that is, but it seems like all the sex education I received as a child reinforced that idea, which led to me having sex with men. I became really scared of raising my voice and saying no in situations. It reinforced all the negative feelings I had about sex and made me feel even worse after sex. And since my mom would never engage in conversations about sex with me and actively made me feel bad if I even asked, I felt even more ashamed for being curious. I’m so lucky to have met someone who helped me understand how great sex can be for me, without any shame or attachment. And I am proud that I have taken the time to heal and work on changing my perceptions of female sexuality. But I think if I had felt more empowered about sex when I was younger, I would have avoided having such a horrible and shameful relationship with my sexuality for so many years. ”


“Well, it really focuses on women’s agency when it comes to sex. It’s not just about consent and things like that, but that women can and should enjoy sex and seek pleasure, and that sexual relationships are partnered. It should be fulfilling for both parties, and what women should say out loud to their partners is that they like it, they want it, and their partners keep trying to achieve it until they are satisfied. is needed.

And for the love of God, most women don’t orgasm from penetration alone!!! I hate, hate, hate this. So many sex scenes since the 90’s where both partners reach orgasm at the same time and only the man is thrust hard. ”

u/Rear at Green Print

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