Home Products 300 people possibly exposed to measles after infected child visits California hospital

300 people possibly exposed to measles after infected child visits California hospital

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Health officials said hundreds of people may have been exposed to measles after children with the highly contagious disease visited emergency centers and hospitals in Northern California earlier this month.

The child’s visit to a health facility on March 5 raised alarm as authorities attempt to trace around 300 people who may have been exposed to measles.

The young man went to the San Joaquin emergency room and was then sent to the UC Davis emergency room. El Dorado County officials said:.

Authorities are trying to trace around 300 people who may have been infected with measles. Getty Images

The at-risk people were not vaccinated and were at UC Davis on March 5 from noon to 5 p.m.

“Please do not go directly to the emergency department as this may increase the spread of infection and put others at risk,” El Dorado County Public Health Officer Dr. Matthew Minson said in a statement.

A spokesperson for the Sacramento County Department of Public Health announced that people in 16 counties may have been infected. he told the Sacramento Bee.

The hospital reportedly said the issue was “under control” and that it was doing everything in its power to contact those affected.

Those at risk of contracting the disease were not vaccinated and were reportedly at UC Davis on March 5 from noon to 5 p.m.
Those at risk of contracting the disease were not vaccinated and were reportedly at UC Davis on March 5 from noon to 5 p.m. Universal Images Group (Getty Images)

“At UC Davis, we have a record of each emergency department patient and employee for the day, and notifications of potential exposures can be made by phone, in the electronic medical record’s online message portal, by letter, in person, and to the patient’s care team. “These are people who were admitted from the emergency department during the period,” the hospital said. According to CNN.

San Joaquin County Public Health Department Spokesperson told the San Francisco Chronicle There were about 30 people at the emergency center when the child was there, but all had been vaccinated against measles, which eased fears.

The disease can be fatal and begins to appear 7 to 14 days after initial exposure. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says:

According to the CDC, infants and young children are most at risk for dangerous side effects, with symptoms such as high fever, rash, cough, runny nose, and bloodshot, watery eyes.

Pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems may also develop more severe symptoms.

Measles vaccination is the best prevention against this disease.

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