Home Fitness 3 Ways To Force Bicep Muscle Growth – BOXROX

3 Ways To Force Bicep Muscle Growth – BOXROX

by Universalwellnesssystems

Will you be targeting your arms today? Check out 3 ways to force growth in your biceps muscles.

The biceps are the best muscles for moving your arms. However, if you want to make your arms bigger, you should target your triceps as well, which is the largest muscle in your arms. But somehow, biceps have made their way into society and become the go-to muscle for demonstrating fitness level.

Whatever the reason, you've clicked here because you want to know how to force your bicep muscles to grow. For that, we turn to Jordan Yeo.

jordan yo YouTube fitness influencer with over 3.6 million subscribers on his channel. He usually shares his workouts, exercises, and tips for becoming healthier.

Check out how Yeoh forces your bicep muscles to grow below.

Why your biceps aren't growing

3 ways to force your biceps muscles to grow

So what are the three ways to force bicep muscle growth?


To stimulate your biceps during your workout, you should practice supination.

When you curl, that means keeping your elbows straight by your sides, shoulders low, and chest out. Twisting your wrists outward when lifting a bar or dumbbells forces your biceps to work, putting more pressure on them.

2. Tension and volume

Jordan Yeo explains that tension is the weight you lift, and volume is the number of repetitions. This is basically progressive overload, where you need to increase the amount or number of times you lift to stimulate muscle growth.

One of the best ways to force growth in your bicep muscles is to do drop sets, explains Yeo.

For example, apply supination when curling 15 kg dumbbells. Once you reach a certain number of reps (8 is a good number), don't rest, choose dumbbells that are about 40% lighter than the previous one, and repeat for a minimum of 8 reps or until failure. .

How to force your biceps muscles to growsauce: Anush Gorak on Pexels

3. Cheat to grow

This concept is Yeoh's favorite on the list of ways to force biceps muscle growth, but it's not recommended for beginners. That's because you'll be performing poor form to force hypertrophy.

After a failed curling exercise, you should swing the dumbbells up (bad form), slowly lower the weight, and use the eccentric phase of the movement to increase stimulation of the biceps. During the eccentric phase, try to take him 3-4 seconds on each rep.

This is Yeoh's method for forcing biceps muscle growth. If you still have questions about how to do that, click on the video below.

Video – 3 ways to force biceps muscle growth

3 ways to force your biceps to grow!

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