Home Fitness 3 Tips for Workouts You Can Stick to: Winston Duke’s Personal Trainer

3 Tips for Workouts You Can Stick to: Winston Duke’s Personal Trainer

by Universalwellnesssystems
  • Winston Duke’s Personal Trainer says consistency and persistence are key to getting good results from your workouts.
  • A combination of cardio and strength training, even just walking and bodyweight exercises, is ideal.
  • Be skeptical of fad diets and expensive products, and instead find what you enjoy the most.

If you’re trying to get in shape for the new year, forget your trendy Instagram routine and focus on sustainable tips that will keep you going all year, according to Winston Duke’s personal trainer.

said consistency is the key to good results parcel daggera New York-based strength and running coach who worked with the star of “Wakanda Forever.”

Dugger’s work focuses on making fitness more accessible. He launched a wellness creative agency, fit for us, works with black wellness professionals to address health disparities and improve access to health. This includes community workshops and partnerships with national brands such as KIND Snacks and Classpass.

“I think it’s very important to point out that the health and fitness industry is not fair and was not designed to support the health of black and brown people.

He said working with Duke is important because, as black actors with greater stature, they represent a powerful representation of people who are not as often celebrated as superheroes or the more stereotypical portrayals of leading characters. .

“My role as a coach is to make everyone feel watched. By the way.”

He says that working with Duke does not involve unusual exercises or techniques, but basic fitness fundamentals such as consistent effort and strength training. It’s an approach he recommends to anyone, rather than trying to copy the exact moves that helped build M’Baku, the character he’s known for, or the training of other superheroes and influencers.

“Trying to train like a celebrity is a great way to let yourself down,” he said. Was it worth it?”

avoid the epidemic

Many fitness products and services are more concerned with taking money than helping you achieve lasting results.

Social media doesn’t always tell the whole story, but red flag If an influencer or service shows a ripped trainer or flashy routine but cannot verify that coaching is actually taking place.

“Do you see them actually in the gym, someone training people, fixing their technique, helping them move better?” Duggar said.

It’s also worth contacting potential coaches to see if they’re responsive, supportive, or otherwise feel like a good fit for your goals, he says. Told.

think of walking more

An easy way to start improving your fitness is to think about how often you are active during a typical day.

“Step one is check-in. Ask yourself how often you’re exercising and how you feel after you’re exercising,” Duggar said.

According to Duggar, walking is a great place for many people to quickly start adding more movement to their daily routine.

“I love to encourage people to get out there and do a mile or half a mile,” he said. “Anything that moves people and makes them feel strong is great.

Associated with aerobic exercise such as walking and running evidence-based benefits These include reduced disease risk, increased energy, and improved mood.even for free Add 2,000 steps per day Research suggests that it can help.

Add strength training without lifting weights

Consider incorporating strength training for even more benefits to your mental and physical health. learn to lift weights Or try weight training.

“Strength is probably the most underestimated component of long-term sustainable health,” Duggar said. barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells.”

Exercises that can be done with minimal equipment include: squatlunges, wall sits, and push ups. More challenging bodyweight exercises such as Pullups can scale even for beginners.

Consistency is key regardless of the specific exercise, says Duggar, so explore moves you love enough to stick with long-term.

“What I enjoy doing is doing it often,” he said. “The most innovative thing you can do for yourself is to prioritize your relationship with movement through whatever means bring you the most joy.”

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