Home Nutrition 3 longevity foods from Costa Rica’s blue zone

3 longevity foods from Costa Rica’s blue zone

by Universalwellnesssystems

“One of the reasons people in Nicoya live so long is definitely because they eat a diet that is centered around beans, squash, and corn,” said Dan Buettner, founder of Blue Zones LLC. He said this in the recent Netflix documentary series Live to 100. . Getty Images

Six regions around the world are known as Blue Zones, where a combination of culture, mindset, diet, and environment allows residents to live longer and healthier lives than most regions.

There’s no simple rulebook for longevity, but there are important lessons from people living in blue zones that can help you create and stick with new habits for healthy aging. One of those lessons lies in the food culture of Central America’s 130-mile-long peninsula. blue zone Early 2000s.

Residents of Nicoya, Costa Rica, known for its coastal scenery south of the Nicaraguan border, have customarily enjoyed the three foods together for at least 6,000 years, Dan Buettner, founder of Blue Zone LLC, said in a recent study. This is revealed in the documentary series. live until 100 years old On Netflix.

“One of the reasons the people of Nicoya live so long is definitely because they eat a diet of beans, squash, and corn,” Buettner says in the film. “We call them the Three Sisters.”

These plant-based foods are an economical and practical source of protein that have served Nicoya residents well into old age. In contrast to the Western diet, where meat is the main source of protein, beans, corn, and pumpkin provide protein at a low cost without the cholesterol and saturated fats found in red meat.

“They get all the protein they need for a fraction of the money we spend on meat and dairy,” Buettner says in the film. “This shows you don’t have to be wealthy to eat healthy.”

Introducing the health benefits of “Three Sisters”.

1. corn

In Nicoya, families have traditionally made tortillas by soaking corn kernels in wood ash.

“Traditional processing of corn increases its nutritional value,” Buettner says in the film.

Tortillas are rich in complex carbohydrates, which are essential for maintaining energy. Corn itself is high in fiber, which means it digests slowly and keeps you feeling full for longer.

The good news is that you don’t have to make homemade tortillas to enjoy corn in other ways, adding it to salsas, salads, and vegetable chili.

2. beans

Black beans contain antioxidants that strengthen the immune system, Buettner says in the film. He also provides a substantial source of protein for muscle growth and fiber to manage blood sugar levels.

Buettner defends the daily intake of beans in his book. Blue Zone American Kitchen: 100 Recipes to Live to 100featured in many of its recipes.

“[Beans] It reigns at the top of the Blue Zones and is the cornerstone of longevity diets around the world,” he writes in his book.

Beans are also more available than other protein sources, coming in at less than $2 a pound, he previously said. luck.

Whether added to soups, tacos, or on their own, beans are an easy addition to your recipe collection.

3. Squash

Squash is rich in vitamins A, B, and C, as well as magnesium and potassium, which are important for bone, blood, and heart health. cleveland clinic.Antioxidants can also help reduce oxidative stresswhich can cause cell damage and disease.

Adding seasonal pumpkin to your next dish is a great way to incorporate it into your diet. Fall varieties include butternut, acorn, and spaghetti squash. Consider roasting it as a side dish or stuffing it with other vegetables and grains like quinoa or tomatoes.

The Blue Zones diet is not a strict diet, but rather a lesson in how a combination of flavorful, inexpensive, whole, plant-based foods can be delicious and contribute to longevity.

“If you can find your favorite ingredients and learn how to combine them to make something delicious, you can reach 100 years of age with your diet,” he previously said. luck.

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