Home Fitness 3 Incredible Exercises to Grow the Lower Chest (Muscle and Mass)

3 Incredible Exercises to Grow the Lower Chest (Muscle and Mass)

by Universalwellnesssystems

If you want to improve your muscle mass, strength and physique, add these excellent lower chest exercises to your workout.

What are the benefits of strong breasts?

Strong breasts have several benefits, including:

  • Improve upper body strength: A strong chest helps improve upper body strength, making it easier to perform everyday tasks such as lifting, carrying, and pushing.
  • [Improve Athletic Performance]A strong chest is essential for athletes who participate in sports such as soccer, basketball, and baseball. A strong chest increases your overall power, speed, and agility.
  • Better Posture: A strong chest helps improve posture by counteracting the effects of sitting and slouching that cause rounded shoulders and hunched back.
  • IMPROVED BREATHING: A strong chest improves breathing by expanding the rib cage, allowing for deeper, more efficient breathing.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Well-developed breasts can provide an aesthetically pleasing appearance and boost self-confidence and body image.
  • Injury Prevention: A strong chest helps prevent injuries to the shoulders and upper back by providing stability and support to these areas.

These tips are from renowned British fitness influencer, personal trainer and bodybuilder Mike Thurston.

sauce: Depositphotos / Stevie D

He has a huge following on social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube, where he shares his workout routines, diet plans, and fitness tips.

Mike Thurston I have been in the fitness industry for over 10 years and have competed in numerous bodybuilding competitions. He is also a qualified personal his trainer and has worked with clients both online and in person.


Watch the video to learn all the exercises and how to perform them correctly.

What muscles make up the chest?

The chest is made up of several muscles, including:

Pectoralis Major: This is the largest muscle in the chest and accounts for most of the mass of the chest. It is a thick fan-shaped muscle that runs across the chest from the sternum to the humerus (upper arm bone).

Pectoralis minor: This is a small muscle located under the pectoralis major. It originates from the 3rd, 4th, and 5th ribs and attaches to the coracoid process of the scapula (shoulder blade). It stabilizes the shoulder blades and helps move the arm back and forth.

Serratus anterior: This muscle extends from the top of your eight or nine ribs to your shoulder blade. It helps to stretch (bring forward) the scapula, which is important for movements such as thrusts and thrusts.

Subclavian muscle: This muscle extends from the first rib to the clavicle (clavicle). Helps stabilize the collarbone and shoulder joints during exercise.

All these muscles work together to push, pull, and lift to stabilize the shoulder joint and maintain correct posture.

quit dumbbell press

The Decline Dumbbell Press is a strength training exercise that targets the chest muscles. It’s similar to the traditional dumbbell press, but it’s performed on a descending bench with the head lower than the feet.

Here’s how to do the Decline Dumbbell Press:

  1. Lie down on an incline bench with your feet firmly in place and your head resting on the bottom edge of the bench.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward, elbows bent at 90 degrees. Place the dumbbells near your shoulders with your upper arms parallel to the floor.
  3. Push the dumbbells upward away from your body to fully extend your arms but don’t lock them out.
  4. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position, keeping your elbows at a 90-degree angle.
  5. Repeat for as many reps as needed.

The Decline Dumbbell Press targets the lower chest muscles, triceps, and shoulders. This is an effective exercise for building chest muscle strength and size and can be incorporated into a balanced chest training routine.

cable chest fly

The cable chest fly is a strength training exercise that targets the chest muscles. A cable machine should be used to provide resistance during the move.

Here’s how to do a cable chest fly:

  1. Set the cable machine at chest level and attach the handle to the cable.
  2. Stand in the center of the cable machine, with one foot in front and one foot behind for stability.
  3. Grasp the handles with an overhand grip and bring your hands together in front of your chest.
  4. Keeping your elbows slightly bent and controlling the handles, slowly extend your arms out to the sides in a wide arc.
  5. Once your arms are parallel to the floor, pause briefly and then slowly return the handles to the starting position in front of your chest.
  6. Repeat for as many reps as needed.

The cable chest fly primarily targets the chest muscles, especially the pectoralis major, while also working the front of the shoulder (front deltoid) and triceps. This is an effective exercise for building chest muscle strength and size and can be incorporated into a balanced chest training routine.

What are the best sets and reps to grow muscle?

The number of sets and reps to build muscle depends on many factors, including your personal fitness level, goals, and exercise choices. However, here are some general guidelines you can follow.

Sets: Generally, 3-4 sets per exercise are recommended for muscle growth. However, beginners can start with her two sets per exercise and gradually increase over time.

Reps: We recommend doing 8-12 reps per set for muscle growth. However, heavier weights with fewer reps (such as 4-6 reps) are also effective in building muscle strength and size. Higher reps (such as 15-20) are also beneficial for muscle endurance and conditioning.

Rest Time: For hypertrophy (muscle growth), you should rest between sets for 60-90 seconds. However, heavy strength training may require longer rest periods (2-3 minutes).

Progression: Increasing weight or reps over time is important to keep building muscle. Gradually increasing weight or reps by 5-10% every 2-4 weeks can help prevent plateaus and stimulate muscle growth.

These are general guidelines and it is important to customize your training program to your individual needs and goals. Consulting with a qualified Personal Her Trainer can also help design an effective muscle-building program.

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