Looking back at California in 1997, just one year after California voters passed Proposition 209, which bans affirmative action in the areas of public employment, contracts, and education, dramatic changes have taken place on many college campuses. You will notice that changes are taking place. The most respected university.
UC Berkeley and UC Los Angeles have seen enrollment rates drop by 30% to 40% for students from historically excluded racial and ethnic groups, according to David A. Acosta, MD.
Dr. Acosta, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer for the Association of Medical Colleges of America, said at an AMA webinar held following a recent High Court ruling restricting the availability of race-based admissions in higher education institutions, including medical schools. gave a lecture.
The AMA joined a court brief in the case led by the Association of American Medical Colleges, asking the court to refrain from overturning an important precedent for medical schools seeking to diversify the nation’s physician workforce.
Dr. Acosta and other members of the panel fear the California admissions phenomenon could recur nationwide, or at least in the 41 states where affirmative action was legal prior to the Supreme Court’s ruling. and enrollment plummeted in response shortly thereafter. Number of medical school applicants from historically excluded racial and ethnic groups.
However, they noted there are concrete steps medical schools and medical associations can take to continue to promote diversity in medical education without considering race at admission.
Do your mission first
Do your mission first
William A. McDade, M.D., said: Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer for the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
“If you’re an African-American doctor, you’re about 23 to 24 times more likely to see an African-American patient than a white doctor,” Dr. McDade said during the discussion. By David Henderson, MD, AMA Vice President for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Medical Education.
About 60 to 63 percent of black first-year medical students say they want to serve groups who are economically or socially marginalized, compared with 20 percent of white first-year students, McDade said. pointed out that
“Therefore, I believe that creating a workforce that facilitates that is what we still need to care about if we want to sustain our mission of closing health inequalities.”
keep looking at the big picture
keep looking at the big picture
“We codified a comprehensive review called the Process that has historically been employed by the majority of medical schools, including black medical schools, so that it is clearly explained and people understand what it means. We need to be able to do that,” said Professor Janet E. South. -Paul, M.D., Executive Vice President and Chancellor, Meharry College of Medicine.
“We recognize that no medical school will admit students based on just one criteria. It evaluates a wide range of criteria, including, but not limited to, overcoming adversity,” he said. South Pole said.
measure results
measure results
“Chief Justice Roberts gave us a little hint that we might have to focus on. It’s an indicator,” Dr. Acosta said. “He said Harvard and UNC [University of North Carolina] The lawsuit did not set out a clear goal as to why it wanted to honor the race-conscious confession. But they also didn’t have metrics that they could actually use to measure what those goals were. “
What medical schools need is “thanks to what we’ve done with our admissions policy, data that shows this is where our graduates go, that these are the communities that we care about, and that’s why this It proves the fact that it is very important,” he said. “
Learn more about AMA’s commitment to equity, diversity and belonging in medical education.