Home Products 2023 in review: Here’s a look back at the biggest health stories that made the headlines this year

2023 in review: Here’s a look back at the biggest health stories that made the headlines this year

by Universalwellnesssystems

Euronews Next looks back at some of the biggest health stories of 2023.


Wondering what to read this holiday season?

Here's a look back at the biggest health stories from the past year, including popular features, interesting scientific research, and the top stories of 2023.

Ozempic: How TikTok's weight loss trend sparked global diabetes drug shortages and health concerns

Diabetes drugs are facing shortages around the world, sparking health concerns as users flood social media with posts touting their benefits as “amazing” weight loss hacks.

France's drug safety agency announced this week that it would step up monitoring measures to ensure that the drug Ozempic is only prescribed to patients with type 2 diabetes.

Ozempic, manufactured by Denmark's Novo Nordisk, is an injectable drug that regulates blood sugar levels and insulin. It is usually prescribed to adults who suffer from type 2 diabetes, the most common type of diabetes. Please see here for the detail.

As Europe's doctors retire, can AI help solve the healthcare worker shortage?

Experts say AI is not here to replace health care workers, but rather could help automate some of the administrative tasks that health care workers have to perform.

As more research studies analyze the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in disease detection and interpretation of patient data, these technologies may soon become more widely available in the clinic.

But how will this change the workload of doctors and nurses? It's a question many experts in the field have been considering as European countries face a shortage of health workers. Please see here for the detail.

'I want to give back': Retired doctor opens clinic to address France's healthcare worker crisis

Amid the ongoing medical crisis, a unique medical practice run by retired doctors has opened in rural southern France.

Yves Calcaier was approached by the city to return to work just one year after quitting her job.

He is one of eight doctors, aged between 69 and 78, currently running clinics in the city of Albi to address the region's shortage of medical professionals. The initiative, the first of its kind, began in late June.

The 74-year-old doctor told Euronews Next: “I have been a doctor for 45 years and I find it very painful to leave a patient, especially when the patient finds another doctor to take him on.'' Especially when I knew I was going to have a hard time,” he told Euronews Next. Please see here for the detail.

German scientists make 'significant discovery' that could slow aging process

A new study conducted in Germany may find answers to age-old questions about what accelerates aging and how it can be reversed.

Despite centuries of research and medical advances, many mysteries remain unsolved, chief among them understanding the causes of aging and how it can be slowed or reversed. is.

But a new study by a team of German scientists published in the scientific journal Nature may finally have answers to these questions. Please see here for the detail.

'Trying to find solutions': Worsening drug shortages leave pharmacists and patients in the dark

Shortages of common older medicines are increasing. Experts say this is partly because drug companies are being disincentivized to make them.

Pharmacies in eastern Paris have a long list of medicines that are currently unavailable from their suppliers.

Pharmacist Pierre-Antoine d'Orbay has seen these shortages increase over the last year, estimating that about a third of the medicines patients want are out of stock on any given day. He said that


It is affecting medicines for every medical condition, from antibiotics to drugs used to treat cardiovascular disease and diabetes, he added. If a pharmacist supplier outside the French capital says the medicine is unavailable, the only option left is troubleshooting. Please see here for the detail.

Europe is the world's biggest drinking country. Which country drinks the most alcohol?

Of the 10 countries with the highest alcohol consumption in the world, nine are members of the European Union. However, there are significant differences between countries.

If you feel that Europeans drink a lot of alcohol, your hunch is correct. People in continental Europe consume more alcohol than in any other region of the world.

Every year in Europe, everyone over the age of 15 consumes an average of 9.5 liters of pure alcohol, which equates to around 190 liters of beer, 80 liters of wine and 24 liters of spirits. Please see here for the detail.

“It hasn’t disappeared. That's changing.It’s deadly”: New coronavirus variants closely monitored by WHO

Several Omicron variants are circulating around the world. But what are they? Why aren't we as concerned about it as WHO officials are?


The height of the pandemic may be over, but the virus that causes COVID-19 continues to mutate, with multiple variants circulating in different countries.

Nevertheless, testing and surveillance are declining, and experts are urging people to continue taking the threat of the disease seriously. Please see here for the detail.

Climate change is helping this new deadly virus spread across Europe

Rising temperatures are turning Europe into a perfect habitat for ticks that carry CCHF, a deadly virus that can lead to death in the worst cases.

Scientists say the deadly disease, spread by ticks and typically found in the Balkans, Africa, Asia and the Middle East, will soon spread across Europe as climate change moves the insects upstream through the continent. It is said that there is a possibility.

Experts are sounding the alarm about the potential spread of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF), which the World Health Organization (WHO) has listed as one of its nine “priority diseases.” Please see here for the detail.


World faces human health catastrophe due to unstoppable climate change, new report warns

In its eighth report, the Lancet Countdown project makes dire predictions for human health if we fail to stem the climate crisis.

The lives of current and future generations are at risk, say the authors of a new report on the consequences of inaction to limit temperature rise.

Scientists have long warned of the catastrophe facing the climate if temperature rise is not kept to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Please see here for the detail.

'Geneva patient' first cured of HIV after 'successful' stem cell transplant

Twenty months after stopping antiretroviral therapy, HIV was no longer detectable in the patient's blood.

A man known as the 'Geneva Patient' has become the latest person in the world to be cured of HIV after undergoing a stem cell transplant to treat cancer. Please see here for the detail.


'We are still sick at home': 36 million people across Europe are living with long-term coronavirus symptoms

Some 36 million people in Europe and Central Asia may be experiencing long-term symptoms of coronavirus infection, according to new estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Fen van Rijn was caring for COVID-19 patients in a respiratory ward in March 2022, when the patients contracted the virus.

Little did the 32-year-old internal medicine residents know that it would dramatically change their quality of life. Please see here for the detail.

First IVF baby born in UK with DNA from three parents in large-scale trial to avoid defective genes

A trial of a controversial mitochondrial donation therapy has been successful in the UK, proving it prevents newborns from inheriting defective genes.

IVF babies made from DNA from three different people have been born in the UK as scientists grapple with inheriting faulty genes in their mothers' mitochondria.


The baby was born to one genetic father and two genetic mothers after researchers at Newcastle Fertility Center were given permission to try the controversial procedure in 2017. Ta. Please see here for the detail.

How is the World Health Organization funded? Why is it so dependent on Bill Gates?

Critics complain about the large role the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation plays in funding the WHO, but who else can the foundation turn to?

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation remains going strong despite its two co-founders splitting after 27 years of marriage, but last month the charity filed a complaint with the World Health Organization. He said it was “not right” to have such a big role in funding (who).

Over the years, billionaire philanthropists have become the WHO's second-largest donors, and the health agency has come to rely heavily on their support to keep it functioning. Please see here for the detail.

Read minds: This AI system can translate thoughts into text

AI systems can convert people's thoughts into text by scanning their brains as they listen to stories, or by imagining them telling stories.


Artificial intelligence has shocked and inspired millions of people in recent months with its ability to write like humans, create stunning images and videos, and even produce music-industry-shaking songs. I did.

Now, researchers have uncovered another potential application that could have huge implications: AI that can essentially read minds. Please see here for the detail.

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