Home Nutrition 15 Foods Doctors Want You to Stop Eating for a Healthier Diet

15 Foods Doctors Want You to Stop Eating for a Healthier Diet

by Universalwellnesssystems

According to world health organization (Who), unhealthy diets (such as saturated fat and sugar saturation) are one of the “global risks to health” and increase the likelihood of malnutrition and disease around the world. if you want to Heal your body with fooda good place to start is to avoid many foods you shouldn’t eat for a healthy diet.

But first, what constitutes a “healthy” diet anyway? “A healthy diet is filled with products sold by the pound that are loaded with fresh produce, fruits, and grains,” says the author. Francisco López Jimenez, MDa cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic. “A healthy diet is rich in nuts, good vegetable oils, legumes, whole grains, and only small amounts of animal products, with the exception of dairy products and fish.”

Meet the experts: Francisco López Jimenez, MDa cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic. Jim White, RDN, ACSM Ex-Powner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios. Rahul Bhandari, MDradiation oncologist at Tampa Bay Radiation Oncology. Mark Cucuzzella, MDphysician and professor of family medicine at West Virginia University School of Medicine

“The mantra I live by is ‘eat to eat.’ And I truly believe that food is medicine.” Jim White, RDN, ACSM Ex-Powner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios. “Adhering to a healthy diet for overall health and wellness is very important to prevent many diseases and to stay physically active to maintain energy.”

But this doesn’t mean you have to cut out certain foods completely. “This doesn’t mean you can never enjoy things that are considered unhealthy foods, but it’s important to understand portion control when consuming them.” Tip? Eat nutrient-dense foods 75% of the time, and fill the remaining 25% of your diet with small portions of other foods and snacks.

Ahead, top food and ingredient experts recommend limiting or eliminating things in your diet for a healthy, balanced approach to eating.


Soda may quench your thirst, but it’s one of the worst drinks for your overall health, mainly due to its high sugar content. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) It warns that people who consume sugary drinks like soda are more likely to experience health problems like obesity. type 2 diabetes, heart diseasecavity, gout.

Soda isn’t the only drink you need to be careful about. “A slushie or frozen coffee drink can contain 80 grams or more of sugar,” says Dr. López-Jimenez. “That’s 20 teaspoons of sugar in one drink!” Of course, this is fine in moderation, but if you’re drinking drinks with added sugar, it’s worth considering cutting them out of your routine.

raw or undercooked meat

For people with cancer or immunocompromised individuals, indulging in raw or undercooked meat (such as sushi or exotic burgers) can be extremely dangerous. “Raw or uncooked items have a higher risk of containing bacteria, which may affect cancer patients who are likely immunocompromised and more vulnerable to such insults.” Rahul Bhandari, MDradiation oncologist at Tampa Bay Radiation Oncology.

breakfast cereal

colorful cereal with milk

Mrs – Getty Images

If you’re concerned about your metabolic health, pouring yourself a big bowl of cereal to start each day may not be ideal.

“Foods with processed flour include most breakfast cereals, refined grains, breads, crackers, and baked goods,” she says. Mark Cucuzzella, MDa family physician and professor at West Virginia University School of Medicine. “Processed or refined flours (even those that claim to be whole grains) have a very high glycemic index that dramatically increases blood sugar levels. Blood sugar can lead to impaired metabolism and eating patterns that contribute to obesity and insulin resistance.”

processed meat

If you’re a fan of lunch meat, bacon, sausage, or hot dogs, these foods may be doing you a favor heart health.

“Many studies show that the toll and risks to health are increasing. heart diseasesays Dr. López Jimenez. “Many of the substances used in the process to preserve meat have been shown to increase the risk of cancer, high blood pressure, and other health conditions.”


“In addition to alcohol adding no nutritional value and mostly acting as empty calories, alcohol has a huge impact on your metabolism because it’s a toxin that your body prioritizes to break down fat.” explains White. “Alcohol intake slows fat oxidation (meaning your body has less fat while processing alcohol).” Additionally, a recent study found a negative correlation between I got it alcohol and life expectancylist that even just one drink a day can shorten your life by 2.5 months.

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) believes that Alcohol should have a cancer warning label– In fact, the U.S. Surgeon General recently published advisory About the causal relationship between alcohol and increased cancer risk

For cancer patients, it is important to avoid alcohol to keep your body strong during treatment. “During cancer treatment, the goal is to build and maintain the body to optimally handle the taxing effects of the cancer itself and the treatments administered to fight it,” says Dr. Bhandari. “Alcohol’s role negates these goals, keeping the body and mind in balance and making the uphill path to recovery and strength even more difficult.”

trans fat

According to american heart association (AHA), an artificial trans fat, is created when hydrogen is added to liquid vegetable oil to make it more solid.

“They have no nutritional value…small amounts of trans fat can significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease,” says Dr. López-Jimenez. “They usually come in the form of partially hydrogenated fats and can be present in bakeries, microwave popcorn, and other foods. Deep frying can convert good oils into trans fats. There is a sex.”

sports drink

Young female athlete is drinking a sports drink, portraitYoung female athlete is drinking a sports drink, portrait

Photoalto/Sandro Di Carlo Darsa-Getty Images

Drinking sports drinks may help replenish lost electrolytes, but they’re often packed with sugar, like soda and similar sugary drinks.

“Sports drinks contain large amounts of fructose, which can only be metabolized by our liver, and the liver does not have the ability to handle large amounts of free fructose,” says Dr. Cucuzzella. “Over time, this creates a fatty liver that is at the root of insulin resistance.”

artificial sweetener

You may be avoiding calories by choosing artificial sweeteners like aspartame and Splenda, but these Your health may also be ruined.

“Although these sweeteners have zero calories, they can have the opposite effect on your weight loss goals due to multiple factors such as gut health and insulin response,” explains White. “Artificial sweeteners can Potentially alters the gut microbiome nutrient absorption, metabolism, and Glucose regulation. there is Potential link to cancer However, more research is needed as it relates to humans. ”


You might think 100% fruit juice is healthy, but it can spike your blood sugar levels and strip out one of fruit’s biggest benefits: fiber.

“Juicing may not remove vitamins or phytochemicals, but it does remove fiber, which means that in terms of biochemical effects on our metabolism, it turns a perfect food into something more like a sugary soda.” “We’re changing it,” says Dr. Klodas. “Eat fruits/vegetables instead of juices. Or make a smoothie.”

sugar and high fructose corn syrup

For a 2,000 calorie meal, CDC It is recommended that no more than 200 of these calories come from added sugars. why? “Adding sugar to foods and drinks makes it harder to get the nutrients you need without adding too many calories.” healthy people 2030 (From the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion). It aims to reduce sugar consumption in people over the age of two to avoid health risks such as obesity and tooth decay.

However, sugar is not the only sweetener that should be enjoyed in moderation. High fructose corn syrup is made from cornstarch and is used in many processed foods. “Experiments have shown that animals fed high-fructose corn syrup can develop diabetes,” says Dr. López Jimenez. “High fructose corn syrup increases sugar levels faster than cane sugar. They are present in many sodas, canned drinks, and may also be used in cocktails.”

refined vegetable oil

Refined vegetable oil is repeatedly used for frying and is often used in restaurants.

“These processed oils are damaged during repeated heating processes that can generate oxidative stress in the liver. compared to natural fats, it is a less desirable option,” says Dr. Cucuzzella.


Ordering from your favorite restaurant may be convenient, but your favorite dishes may have poor health outcomes.

“When you buy ready-made foods, the portion sizes and the amount of salt, sugar, and fat are much lower, all of which can wreak havoc on your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and waistline,” says Dr. Klodas. Masu. “We all have time constraints and need to order from time to time. Let’s make this the exception, not the rule.”

processed white bread

sliced ​​breadsliced ​​bread

Irina Marwan – Getty Images

Skip the sliced ​​white bread loaves during your next grocery trip. “Processed white bread (the kind that comes in packages) has minimal nutritional value,” says Dr. López-Jimenez. “They have little to no fiber and are stripped of many nutrients by the wheat bleaching process.”

Instead, reach for 100% whole grain or sprouted grain bread with minimal ingredients and Stefani Sassos, MS, RDNGood Housekeeping Institute Nutrition Lab Director said before prevention. Whole grain bread is more nutrient-dense, making it a healthier option stabilize blood sugarwhite bread medium has the opposite effect.

high fat frozen meals

Healthy meals can be found in the freezer section of your local grocery store, but finding nutritious options requires a little due diligence. We recommend thoroughly checking the nutrition label and scanning for calories, sodium, and fat before adding frozen meals to your cart.

Frozen meals “can be detrimental to health goals and weight management,” says White, noting that they often contain “high fat content with high sodium and preservatives.” “These diets are quite high in calories and while calorie intake can be excessive, they are often unfulfilling.”


Who doesn’t love sweet treats? It’s fair to have snacks and desserts in moderation, but less is more when it comes to certain types of baked goods.

Baked goods, especially donuts, “are devoid of nutritional value, high in calories, and not at all fulfilling,” says White. “These foods are also high in sugar and saturated/trans fats, which contribute to high blood sugar and cholesterol/heart issues.” Try nutrient-dense slices instead banana bread or a slice of an apple and raspberry gillette.

Additional reporting by Emily Schiffer

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