Home Fitness 12 of the Best Supersets to Add to Your Next Workout

12 of the Best Supersets to Add to Your Next Workout

by Universalwellnesssystems

photograph: Andrei Popov (shutter stock)

Who doesn’t like supersets? Pairing the two exercises Save time on your main workout if offered routine allows. And if you want a little extra work at the end of the day, supersets are an efficient way to go. So let’s take a look at some of the perfect pairings you can add to your next workout.

But first, a little background. To do a superset, just do the first set of exercises. Do the second exercise while these muscles are resting. If necessary, you can take a short break before repeating the pair. Repeat for desired number of sets. Most of the supersets on this list are ones that work well as finishers. Increase the volume slightly at the end of your workout. Do 3 sets of each exercise for 8 to 12 repetitions.

By the way, this list only includes the ones that are easy to set up together, because no one wants to go back and forth between the cable machine and the squat rack.me too Mostly stick to true supersets that use opposite muscles (such as pairing pushes with pulls). Throw in some pairings that work well, even if they don’t fit the classical definition.

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