Home Medicine 11 Expert Perspectives on the Future of Medical Specialties

11 Expert Perspectives on the Future of Medical Specialties

by Universalwellnesssystems

through HCP Live Network 2022 medical series of the yearlooked back on a year in which nearly two dozen feature articles, reviews, and interviews sparked a whirlwind of debate about medical and public health advances, viral outbreaks, and care.

All the works differed in topic and opinion, but each contained similar and valuable characteristics.

On the eve of 2023, let’s take a look back at what some experts had to say about the future of the 11 specialties.

“We need to have a patient voice in everything we do, including our research. We ask patients what is most important to them. Sure, we know what questions we want to ask, but the patient will get our attention and there will probably be questions we didn’t think of.”

Martha Gulati, M.D., Director of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

“So for a very systemic disease, I think getting treatment four times a year is pretty big. I think it’s going up. And that means doing genetic testing on people to find out what their disease is and what mutations they have, and then doing more targeted treatments.”

Karan Lal, DO, Director of Cosmetic Surgery, Pediatric Dermatology and Allied Dermatology Scottsdale

“The idea of ​​disease prevention and disease reversal treatments is really exciting. It’s not hard to imagine that it could make a big difference in how people with type 1 diabetes and people at high risk of developing diabetes are treated. This is just the beginning.” nothing more.”

Emily Sims, MD, teplizumab Investigator, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases and Herman B Wells Center for Pediatric Research at IU School of Medicine

“There are areas in the U.S. that have a backlog[of colon cancer screening]and the health system, especially in small rural areas and small towns, cannot increase capacity. We are trying to keep up with the more urgent challenges that have arisen over the years.”

Mark B. Pochapin, MD, Director of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at NYU Langone Health

“I believe that hoaxes are now the leading cause of death in the United States. In pandemics alone, with the availability of effective vaccines and antiviral drugs, deaths should be a rare outcome, but Unfortunately, many people do not have access to up-to-date vaccination information or do not receive antiviral medications despite being at high risk. and misleading information are all too often disseminated, leading to poor health decisions, especially among some segments of the population.By this time next year, we will have effective strategies to combat misinformation. I hope you are.”

Robert Caliph, M.D., FDA Commissioner

“This is not something that can be implemented overnight, but there is an absolute benefit to DCLS graduates working with the health system and hospitals, not only in the quality of life and patient care, but also in the amount of money actually saved. You can actually help hospitals and medical laboratories bottom line without having to order all of these tests, especially some of these expensive molecular assays. It’s part of an ongoing conversation about everything that’s needed to improve around, and patient care, alongside other things.”

Rodney E. Rohde, PhD, MS, University Distinguished Professor and Chair of Clinical Laboratory Science Program, College of Health Professions at Texas State University

“For example, the more we understand what’s going on with COVID-19 and hypoxia, the more we can help understand other Alzheimer’s-type pathologies and what interventions might help people with sporadic Alzheimer’s disease.” There is a nature. [disease], for example. We hope that there will be more evolution in our understanding of cognitive processes in general, even those relevant to post-ICU patients. ”

Jennifer Frontera, MD, Neurocritical Care Specialist, NYU Langone

“When working with the FDA, it is a matter of clear communication and transparency. Time is very limited. Sponsors are encouraged to request meetings for both academic and commercial communities. While we may not be able to accommodate all requests, we hope people realize that we have many competing priorities, but we want to help and we can Transparency is very important in how we can optimize that communication.”

Peter Bross, MD, Chief, Department of Oncology, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research

“Hopefully, we can end treatment early, potentially reducing geographic atrophy and overall formation to further visual impairment. I think this is not a great moment, but a step. Moments are like when a patient comes in and suddenly you can see when they aren’t looking, or when a patient comes in and you get an anti-VEGF drug first, you’re giving me a treatment. Thank you. But I think it would be a step in the right direction.”

David Boyer, MD, Senior Partner, Retina Vitreous Associates Medical Group

“Since the 1960s, you’ve been saying, ‘I know your baby has RSV, but there’s nothing I can do.

[A vaccine is also about] A really, really impactful, patient-to-patient experience…that’s the joy of this vaccine, and finally being able to say, “I have something to offer.” ”

Iona M. Munjal, MD, Director of Clinical Research and Development, Pfizer

“In the future, both patient-reported outcomes and physician assessments will be used synthetically to assess disease activity, quality of life, treatment and treatment efficacy in both research and clinical settings. It’s a winning combination.”

Saira Z. Sheikh, MD, Linda Coley Sewell Distinguished Professor of Medicine Rheumatology, Allergy, Immunology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

“Over the past few years, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it harder to sleep in general. Insomnia has definitely increased public awareness of what a problem it is. Insomnia rates rose significantly during the pandemic, especially during stay-at-home orders, making sleep problems more prominent across the population. I recognize it.”

Wendy Troxel, PhD, Senior Behavioral Scientist, RAND Corporation

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