Home Mental Health 10 Tiny Habits Of The Least Anxious People In The World | Sheila Mckeon

10 Tiny Habits Of The Least Anxious People In The World | Sheila Mckeon

by Universalwellnesssystems

I would like to know how to reduce anxiety through the stress of daily life. Anxiety can interfere with life, leaving many people unable to perform basic tasks in life. Anxiety can be scary, but there are ways to deal with it, and many people can still live fulfilling lives.

Here are 10 small habits of the world’s most anxiety-free people.

1. They take a deep breath

Take a 5-10 minute break several times a day and focus on your breathing. Breathe in slowly and feel your rib cage expand as the breath enters your lungs. Then, pause for a moment and exhale slowly, exhaling through your mouth (note that the air becomes warmer as you exhale). Inhale and count to 4, then exhale for a count of 6, hold until 4, then repeat 5 times. This automatically calms your nervous system and relaxes your mind and body.

Related: 14 Super Easy Ways to Reduce Stress in 5 Minutes or Less

2. They really exist

The trend around mindfulness is a beneficial practice. What it means is to focus on what’s happening in the present moment. When you’re outside, notice the sun and air on your face. Notice how your feet touch the ground. Enjoy the texture and taste of every bite. Be aware of your feelings. What you see, hear, feel, smell, taste, and experience at this particular moment. This activates your cognitive mind, puts your emotions on the back burner, and allows you to relax and focus on the task at hand.

3. They meditate

There are many different ways to meditate, but you don’t have to just sit quietly. For some people, this works well. For others, this is very difficult. These include walking meditation, dancing/moving meditation to music, focusing on words like peace and tranquility, or focusing on a location such as a beach, waterfall, or forest. There are many ways to focus your mind and quiet your thoughts.Research shows that this grows area of ​​the brain Regulates emotions and calms the body.

4. Stretch

Just 5 minutes of stretching a day can relieve stress in your body and clear your mind. Most of us have jobs that involve repetitive motions or that require us to sit in a chair all day. This puts stress on your body to maintain movement and posture. So get up, walk around, and stretch your legs, arms, and spine in a safe way that loosens tight muscles in your body. Adding breathing to that provides oxygen to your muscles. This will improve your productivity and concentration.

RELATED: 31 experts share their favorite ways to manage anxiety and stress without drugs

5. They exercise

This is easy to say, but especially difficult when it comes to full-time work, family, and self-care. If you’re moving your body, that’s important. It doesn’t matter where you start: a walk, the gym, yoga, dance. Start doing what you can, when you can. Pamper yourself on the days you miss it. There’s always tomorrow.

6. They listen to music

Music is very beneficial for the mind and body, so remember it as a resource. If you wake up feeling depressed or stressed, we recommend waking up to your favorite music alarm. It can set the tone for a bright day. Calming music is great for anxiety. For everyone, there’s something that can quickly relieve your mood or make you feel better easily. Music is also one of the fastest ways to penetrate our emotional brains and can distract us from stuck emotions and physical discomfort. If you’re feeling stressed, put on some music to help you relax.

7. Connect with others (not on social media)

It means connecting beyond Facebook and text messages. Talking on the phone is more calming for your brain than typing on the phone. Hearing the voice of a loved one activates care connection pathways in the brain, the opposite of those associated with sadness and anxiety. Even better in person, so call a friend and invite them out for a walk, a movie, or a meal. Make this a habit, as it is healing on so many levels.

Related: 12 struggles only people with anxiety will understand

8. They laugh a lot.

Laughter is the best medicine, yes.There is so much research Laughter has a positive healing effect on the brain. I have my anxious clients save the funniest videos as favorites on their pads, phones, and computers, and when they’re feeling stressed, I have them watch something funny to laugh at. It releases tension you didn’t even know was there.

9. Be passionate about self-care.

This means eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and meeting all your physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual needs on a regular basis. Make it a habit by recording this on your calendar or phone. Make sure you have some “me” time in your life. This includes saying “no” to things you later resent, and saying “yes” to things you later wish you had done.

10. They are grateful

This is also something that research has shown can change your brain to be more positive and happy. I saw a study in a neuroscience presentation that had volunteers write notes to people who had a positive impact on their lives. They then called them and read a statement to the person on the phone. Their Depression Rating Scale scores decreased significantly. The more depressed people were, the higher their post-call scores were. So keep a gratitude journal to remind yourself that even the simple things in life are important.

Related: The Most Effective Self-Care Rituals — According to 34 Healing and Wellness Experts

sheila mckeon I am a certified professional counselor, certified clinical hypnotherapist, and family therapist specializing in trauma and anxiety reduction therapy.

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