Home Mental Health 10 Things You’re Probably Awesome At If You Have High-Functioning Anxiety

10 Things You’re Probably Awesome At If You Have High-Functioning Anxiety

by Universalwellnesssystems

Anxiety can be a serious mental disorder that can leave us feeling breathless and helpless.

But what if I told you that what appears to be your most negative trait could be your greatest superpower?

Holistic anxiety and CBT therapist Alison Seponara discusses 10 positive traits of people with high-functioning anxiety in an Instagram post, writing, “Positive traits of people who suffer from high-functioning anxiety. and negative characteristics.”

Related: What it's like to live with high-functioning depression

Here's what she had to say about the most positive aspects of this difficult situation:

10 Positive Traits of People with High-Functioning Anxiety Disorder

1. Sociable personality

Believe it or not, people with high-functioning anxiety tend to have outgoing personalities. Well, sometimes the people who smile the most and laugh the most may be thinking about things deep down.

According to psychologist Adam Boland, “People with high-functioning anxiety may appear calm on the outside, but on the inside they may feel very anxious.”

Borland points out that the reason for this has to do with the fact that high-functioning people want to hide their anxiety by controlling the situation.

2. Always arrive early or on time

We all know that one person who always arrives early, or at least on time. Perhaps you are one of them. The need for punctuality stems from the fact that anxious people become nervous about everyday situations, he said. National Institute of Mental Health.

So while anxiety can make you worry, it can also prevent you from being late. It will benefit you in the long run, both in your personal and professional life.

3. Aggressive planning

We have to love our planners. Those lucky enough to have high-functioning anxiety tend to be the best planners. Be it planning a family vacation or planning an office party, these guys always go above and beyond.

And luckily for them, their brilliant plan pays off in the end, leaving them less stressed and with more free time (though, to be honest, they're probably overthinking it).

4. Excellent organizational skills

I admit that I am a germaphobe sometimes, but people with anxiety can take it to a whole other level. To say some are “organized” is an understatement.

If you suffer from anxiety like the Living Pinterest board, you can look in your closet or bag and find items neatly stacked in color-coded alphabetical order.

Related: 6 Things You Don't Realize You're Doing Because You Have High-Functioning Anxiety

5. Ambition

In an article in Harvard Business Review, Maura Aarons Mele writes that some of the most successful people in the world tend to face high levels of anxiety. And it adds up when you consider how much pressure these people have to go through every day.

in addition, According to Dr. Karin Hall: “High-achieving students struggle with anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and delinquency at rates two to three times higher than the national average.”

So the good news is that if you have anxiety, you're likely a high achiever, but the bad news is that you likely have a ton of other mental illnesses along with it. That means there is. Talk about a double-edged sword.

6. Attention to detail

Those who know the most tend to have high-functioning anxiety.according to Psychologist Alicia Clark “In the context of anxiety, attention to detail can easily lead to agitation, perfectionism, and even obsession.”

But it's not all bad! Clark writes that a tendency to be detail-oriented can be helpful in the workplace.

Not only does it improve the quality of your work, she explains, but it also builds a foundation of trust between colleagues. So, economically speaking, a win is a win.

7. Order

I can really relate to this now! When I was a child, the thing my family was most proud of was keeping our house neat and tidy. Was there someone in my family with high-functioning anxiety? I wouldn't be surprised.

People with high-functioning anxiety tend to be the most organized and neat people. Think about cleaning TikTok and multiply that by 10.

8. High energy

People with high-functioning anxiety need somewhere to release their nervous energy. What better way to do that than by going to the gym? You may not know it, but this feature can go a long way in reducing anxiety.

According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America“For some people, regular exercise can be just as effective as medication to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.”

So, not only can you get the body of your dreams, but you can also save money on medicines.

9. Usefulness

People with high-functioning anxiety tend to be the kindest people ever. Need help moving furniture at 1am? Your high-functioning best friend has your back!

And guess what? Being a helpful person is associated with many benefits.

Research conducted by Alan LuxAuthor of The Healing Power of Doing Good: The Health and Spiritual Benefits of Helping Other, he says, “Volunteering and charity work can help reduce stress and improve physical and mental health.” I discovered that. And we love seeing it.

10. Loyalty

Nothing is more important than loyalty, and high-functioning individuals know this better than anyone.People who suffer from high-functioning anxiety are very loyal in their relationships, says licensed professional counselor and high-functioning anxiety expert. Nancy Jane Smith.

So if you're dating a highly anxious person, congratulations, that person is probably the most loyal person in your life. And if you're a very anxious person, pat yourself on the back and say this is something to be proud of.

These may seem like superpowers, but they are only one side of the double-edged sword of high-functioning anxiety.

Seponara writes: “The truth is that people with HFA are putting on a show most of the time and are feeling extremely anxious all the time. People with HFA may seem calm, calm, and have everything together. But that's not the whole picture.

If your symptoms of anxiety are causing you distress, it is important to seek help from a qualified professional.

Related: What Everyone Gets (A Lot) Wrong About Anxiety

Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a BA in Psychology who covers topics of personal development, relationships, career, and family.

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