Home Fitness 10-Minute Workout at Home for When You’re Stuck Inside

10-Minute Workout at Home for When You’re Stuck Inside

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Are you starting to lose your sanity a little while being stuck at home? Experience the release of pent-up frustration with his next 10-minute at-home workout. It's an explosive interval training workout based on “every minute on the minute” (EMOM), where you repeat a specific movement for a set amount of time or a number of repetitions, then rest for the number of seconds left in the minute. And switch to a different behavior at the start of a new minute.

When trying to complete as many reps as possible or get them done as quickly as possible, it's easy to slip into sloppy and dangerous alignment. That's where yoga becomes part of your workout. Not only are they similar in shape to common poses, they're self-aware so you can maintain proper form and strengthen the targeted muscles, rather than straining or potentially injuring yourself.

Sounds easy? it's not. That's the point.

10 minute workout you can do at home (based on yoga)

Do some warm-ups, then set your stopwatch. Every minute, do the specified exercise for 30 to 45 seconds and spend the remaining 30 to 15 seconds resting. For example, the first minute can be 30 seconds of burpees followed by 30 seconds of rest, or 45 seconds of burpees followed by 15 seconds of rest. The steps give you the option to run them as high-impact or low-impact.

1st minute: Bodyweight squats

2nd minute: Burpees

3rd minute: Russian twist

4th minute: Switch lunge

5th minute: Plank

6-10 minutes: Repeat the above exercise one more time

Who said squats had to be static to be effective? (Photo: Stockbusters | Getty)

1. Bodyweight squats

Method: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing slightly outward, and arms at your sides. Bend your knees and lower your hips back into a squat position, preferably keeping your thighs parallel to the mat and sinking your weight into your heels. Then stand up and squeeze your glutes or jump into the air before landing in a squat. That's one rep.

Common misalignments:

• Tilt your knees inward and toward each other.
• Put your weight on your toes instead of your heels.
• Unable to keep back straight

Woman practicing burpees during home workout
Burpees connect mountain pose, forward bend, plank, and chaturanga in a seamless flow of movement. (Photo: Cavan Images | Getty)

2. Burpees

Method: Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. While exhaling, squat down, place your hands on the mat, jump, or walk your legs back. plank pose, bend your elbows and lower into a chaturanga or push-up position to your mat. Inhale as you extend your arms, jump or lower your legs back under you, and stand up or jump into the air as you stretch your hands over your head. That's one rep.

Common misalignments:
• Spread your elbows out to the sides.
• Use force against gravity to lower your body onto the mat rather than slowly lowering it.
• Hold your breath during the exercise.

A woman sits on a yoga mat and practices a Russian twist by raising her legs and twisting her trunk from side to side.
When practicing the Russian Twist, correct form is important, not the degree of movement. (Photo: Danil Vasilev | Getty)

3. Russian Twist

Method: Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart. Extend your arms straight in front of you and clasp your hands in front of you. Train your core by leaning back about 45 degrees. You can lift your legs off the mat in a modified boat pose. Keeping your knees and front hip points stable and facing forward, twist your chest to one side and then the other as you rotate around your core. That's one rep.

Common misalignments:
• Your hips slump and your upper body leans forward. Even as you keep your feet on the mat, keep your back straight and lift your sternum toward the ceiling.
• Hurry. Take your time and find a range of motion that is safe for your body. Do not twist your hips, only your chest and shoulders.
• Add too much weight. These twists are often performed while holding dumbbells, a balance ball, or weight plates, but it's not necessary. Get him used to the exercise without weights and focus on feeling the movement of the sides of his body.

Woman practicing lunges during a 10 minute workout at home
When switching sides during a lunge, you can jump and switch legs in the air to do something really dynamic, or simply step back with the opposite leg to reduce impact. (Photo: Stockbusters | Getty)

4. Switch Lunge

Method: Stand in a high lunge stance with your feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees and lower your hips and back knee toward the mat, then either step forward with your opposite foot, or jump and switch legs in the air, landing in a lunge with your opposite foot in front. That's one rep.

Common misalignments:

• Hurry. This will bring your body back to its basic shape without you being aware of the desired and safe muscle work.
• Upper back slouched or leaning too far forward or backward. Keep your back straight.
• Turn your front knee in or out. (Contrary to common misinformation, it's okay to lean your front knee further forward than your toes.)

Woman practicing forearm plank while doing a 10 minute workout at home
Planks and forearm planks both work your entire core. Note that forearm planks place much less stress on your wrists. (Photo: PeopleImages | Getty)

5. Plank or forearm plank

Method: Find plank pose. Place your hands directly below your shoulders so your head, hips, and heels are in a straight line, or place your forearms parallel to each other on the mat. Stay here and breathe.

Common misalignments:
• Sag your hips. To solve this, reach from your heels.
• Dump your shoulders. The corrective method is to press your palms or forearms into the mat and stretch your upper body.
• It puts strain on your neck. To maintain the natural curve of your neck, keep your gaze down and slightly forward.

Repeat this cycle once for a 10-minute workout at home. Cool down with some simple stretches.

Originally published in Oxygen Magazine. This article has been updated.

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