Home Nutrition 10 health benefits of sooji

10 health benefits of sooji

by Universalwellnesssystems

Semolina flour, popularly known as suji or suji in many parts of South Asia, is a popular wheat flour variety. It is a type of coarse flour made from durum wheat, a hard type of wheat, rather than the common wheat type known as common wheat. When durum wheat is milled, semolina is the most nutritious part. The grains of durum wheat are golden yellow, so milled semolina is a light yellow flour. It has a mild, earthy scent. In addition to its culinary uses, semolina also has benefits for weight management, heart health, and digestive system. This article details the health benefits of suzi, or semolina.

Nutritional benefits of semolina flour

Semolina contains many essential nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals that improve overall health. is provided.

  • calorie: 198 calories
  • carbohydrate: 40 grams
  • protein: 7 grams
  • thick: less than 1 gram
  • fiber: 7% of Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
  • Thiamine: 41% of RDI
  • Folic acid: 36% of RDI
  • Riboflavin: 29% of RDI
  • iron: 13% of RDI
  • magnesium: 8% of RDI

Semolina is rich in protein and fiber. Both of these slow down digestion and increase the feeling of fullness between meals. It is also rich in B vitamins such as thiamine and folic acid. They are important for the body as they help convert food into energy. Semolina is an excellent source of iron and magnesium, which are essential for red blood cell production, heart health, and blood sugar control.

health benefits of semolina

Durum wheat is certainly a healthier option and is becoming increasingly popular around the world, along with whole grains. Durum wheat becomes part of your daily diet. It is delicious and nutritious, and most dry pasta on the market is made from this variety.

It is also an ideal choice for those on a weight loss plan as it contains protein and fiber.

The main health benefits of semolina or suzi are:

regulate blood sugar: Semolina has a glycemic index of only 47, making it an ideal food for diabetics. It is easily digested but slowly absorbed by the body. This keeps you feeling fuller for longer. In addition to that, magnesium and fiber are also two important elements found in semolina, regulate blood sugar in the body. This makes you less susceptible to type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Regular consumption of semolina can help balance blood sugar levels.

rich in protein: Protein plays an important role in maintaining overall health. Proteins, which are made up of amino acids, keep each cell in the body active. Semolina is rich in protein, so eating meals with it can help you lose weight. Helps repair and build muscle and tissue, trigger metabolism and maintain structural framework. It also ensures fluid balance.

rich in folic acid: Semolina is a rich source of B vitamins such as thiamine and folic acid. Vegetarians are at increased risk of developing vitamin B deficiency. This particular vitamin is important for maintaining healthy eyesight, regulating liver function, and maintaining glowing skin and hair. and can be included in your regular diet.

Mykeep kidneys healthy: Semolina contains potassium, which helps regulate high blood pressure. It also removes excess salt. This also keeps the kidney organs healthy. Consuming foods high in potassium and low in sodium can help keep your kidneys healthy.

strengthen bones: Semolina contains 17 grams of calcium and 47 mg of potassium per 100 grams. This plays a big role in protecting bone density. In addition to that, the presence of minerals such as magnesium, zinc and phosphorus also help strengthen bones and muscles.

maintain heart health: Would you be surprised if I told you that pasta is also good for your health? Pasta made with semolina flour makes a healthy alternative to the regular carbs commonly consumed from rice or roti.Wheat is commonly part of the dietary plan of people suffering from cardiovascular disease. Because it is rich in potassium, semolina is also great for heart patients because it supports healthy functioning of the heart. to adjust. It also helps manage high blood pressure.

regulate digestion: Semolina is as rich in fiber as whole wheat. It can be included in the daily diet to improve intestinal health, prevent constipation and improve the absorption of nutrients into the blood. help. Good gut bacteria improve metabolic rate and reduce the risk of problems such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, and bloating. They were asked to take fiber daily for two weeks. After two weeks, they reported feeling a significant improvement regarding problems such as bloating and constipation.

helps you lose weight: Fiber not only helps maintain overall digestive health, but it also helps with weight management. Including fiber-rich foods in your daily diet has been proven to show positive results when trying to lose weight naturally. may suppress. The protein content of semolina keeps you feeling full for a long time, thereby limiting food intake.252 women participated in the study, the dietary fiber she consumed daily for 20 months. When she increased her fiber intake by 1 gram, she reported a weight loss of 0.5 kg over 20 months. Other studies have also proven that people on a high-protein diet can lose up to 1.7 pounds more than those on a standard protein diet.

rich in antioxidants: Consuming semolina provides many of the minerals, antioxidants, and iron that the body generally needs. Foods rich in antioxidants fight free radicals. It plays an important role in preventing chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and even cancer. Selenium in semolina strengthens the immune system to fight various bacterial and viral infections. .

Reduces risk of anemia: Semolina is rich in iron. From just 56 grams of semolina, you can get as much as 13% of the recommended daily level of iron. It directly reduces the risk of problems. However, the important thing to note here is that the iron content in semolina belongs to the non-heme form. This means that the body doesn’t absorb as much iron as it does in animal foods. Therefore, semolina should be taken with foods rich in vitamin C, as vitamin C aids iron absorption.

Risks associated with taking semolina

  • Semolina flour contains a lot of gluten. This protein can be harmful to people with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. Celiac disease affects approximately 1.4% of the population worldwide.
  • It is believed that 0.5-13% of individuals may have non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). People with celiac disease or NCGS should avoid eating gluten-containing foods like semolina.
  • Because semolina is made by grinding durum wheat, it can be harmful to people with wheat allergies.

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