Home Nutrition 10 grim Keto Diet side effects + Keto Diet dangers

10 grim Keto Diet side effects + Keto Diet dangers

by Universalwellnesssystems

Ah, the keto diet. It’s become one of the most popular nutrition crazes in recent years, with celebrities including Kardashian Natch lauding its benefits.

However, high-protein, high-fat, near-zero-carb plans have drawn criticism that they can lead to nutritional deficiencies and eating disorders.

In fact, it’s important to say it above People with eating disorders should avoid the keto dietThe same goes for people with a history of eating disorders. (If you have an eating disorder, BEAT, UK eating disorder charity).

And in addition to these headline dangers of the keto diet, there are also many side effects of the ketogenic diet.

Keto fans swear the diet leads to weight loss, increased energy levels, and decreased appetite, but many also admit that it has some unusual drawbacks, such as the keto flu and digestive problems.

How does the keto diet plan work?

Dietitians explain that in a typical keto diet plan, fat makes up 80% of your daily calories and carbs just 5%. Jessica Cording.

Worth noting: This is 40-60% less carbs than the normal recommended diet. So if you eat 2,000 calories a day, that means you’re only getting 100 calories from carbs, including very healthy carbs like fruits and vegetables.

The main goal of the keto diet is to achieve a state called ketosis. Ketosis is when your body burns fat for energy instead of regular carbs, Cording explains. But again, it can lead to some side effects.

Keto side effects can vary from person to person. keytree medical nutritional therapyHowever, there are usually side effects when you start a diet as your body gets used to the new eating plan.

When Do Keto Diet Side Effects Appear?

“The general timeline is about five to seven days before you feel low energy, or the keto flu,” says Keatley. It may appear and cause nausea in others.”

That’s… pretty garbage.

After that, “stink poop” lasts for a few days and can lead to unusual side effects like your breath smelling fruity, Keatley says. (More on those later.) But eventually, he says, symptoms should plateau.

But really, if a promise not to eat sweet potatoes or apples, edamame beans, carrot sticks or hummus doesn’t stray from this plan, check out the most infamous keto diet side effects.

What are the scariest side effects of the keto diet?

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