Home Medicine 10 Ayurveda tips to beat the heatwave and stay cool | Health

10 Ayurveda tips to beat the heatwave and stay cool | Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

With the heatwave continuing in Delhi and surrounding areas, there is no escaping the scorching summer heat for the next few days. As temperatures rise above 45 degrees, the body has to work extra hard to maintain the proper body temperature. According to Ayurveda, Grishma Ritu can cause dryness, dehydration, sweating and extreme heat can take a toll on the body. It also weakens the immune system and increases Pitta dosha, which normally helps in regulating hormones and emotions. (Also Read | Superfood for Scorching Heat: Drink Torani or Rice Water to Stay Cool and Hydrate. Know How to Make It)

During this season, Ayurveda recommends drinking water infused with fennel seeds, coriander seeds, and mint leaves, and eating pitta-calming foods such as melon and cucumber. (Freepik)

Ayurveda suggests drinking water infused with fennel seeds, coriander seeds and mint leaves during this season, and eating pitta-calming foods such as melon and cucumber. Practicing sheetali pranayama can help cool the body, while coconut oil massages and sandalwood paste can soothe the skin.

Ayurvedic tips to beat the summer heat

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Dr Sachin (BAMS), Medical Advisor at Rasayanam, shares 10 Ayurvedic tips to stay cool during the heatwaves.

1. Stay hydrated with Ayurvedic drinks. Drink lots of water infused with herbs like fennel seeds, coriander seeds and mint leaves, as well as buttermilk (lassi), aam panna, bael juice (stone apple) and coconut water to keep you cool and hydrated.

2. Eat Pitta-calming foods: Eat foods that pacify Pitta dosha, such as sweet, bitter and astringent tastes. Examples include cucumbers, melons, leafy greens, asparagus and zucchini.

3. Use cooling spices: Include cooling spices like fennel, coriander, and mint in your diet. These spices can help lower your body temperature and can be added to foods or consumed as tea.

4. Apply aloe vera: Apply fresh aloe vera gel to your skin. Aloe vera has natural cooling properties and when applied topically has a soothing and cooling effect on the body.

5. Practice Pranayama: Practice Sheetali (cooling) breathing by curling your tongue into a tube and breathing in through your mouth, holding the breath for a few seconds, then exhaling through your nose, which cools the body. Also known as Alternate Nostril Breathing, Anulom Vilom gently calms the mind while balancing the body’s energies, promoting a sense of inner coolness and stillness.

Similarly, Chandrabedi Pranayama, or left-nostril breathing, helps to dissipate excess heat from within the body and cultivates a sense of well-being that permeates the body and mind. Incorporating these ancient techniques into your daily routine will not only provide physical relief from the summer sun, but will also promote mental clarity and emotional balance, ensuring a harmonious and invigorating experience even on the hottest days.

6. Coconut Oil Massage: Use coconut oil for abhyanga (self-massage) – it has cooling properties and massaging it into the skin can help lower your body temperature.

7. Use Sandalwood Paste: Mix sandalwood powder and rosewater into a paste and apply it to the forehead and chest. Sandalwood has a cooling and calming effect on the body.

8. Consume Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Amla is known for its cooling properties and is rich in Vitamin C. It can be consumed fresh, as juice, or powdered and mixed with water.

9. Wear cooling crystals: Wearing cooling gemstones like moonstone and pearls can help balance Pitta and keep the body cool as these stones are believed to have a cooling effect on the body.

10. Avoid the sun’s strongest hours: According to Ayurveda, avoiding the sun during peak hours (10am to 4pm) can help prevent overheating. Stay indoors or in a shady place during this time.

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