Home Products 1 in 3 parents give fever-reducing medicine when it may not be needed, poll says

1 in 3 parents give fever-reducing medicine when it may not be needed, poll says

by Universalwellnesssystems


Many parents turn to antipyretics as soon as their child starts showing signs of fever, but pediatricians warn that it may not be necessary.

According to the new CS Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll, 1 in 3 parents give their child medication for low-grade fever, defined as below 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius), and 1 in 2 parents , use medicines against fever. Between 100.4 F and 101.9 F (38 C and 38.83 C).

these drugs may keep your child comfortable, Unnecessary use can mask pain and other symptoms, delaying diagnosis of the cause of fever.

Dr Susan Woolford, Mott Pediatrician and Mott Pole, said: co-director. “It may not be entirely clear to parents that the heat itself is not the problem and that it could be the cause of the fever. Because the fever is just a sign that something else is going on.”

The Mott Survey was conducted among 1,376 parents with children under the age of 12, and responses were collected between August and September.

eighty-four A percentage of parents will re-take their child’s temperature before giving the second dose, while 26% of parents will take their temperature again. To prevent the recurrence of fever, even in the absence of it, according to polls.

Parents worry that their children will “get very sick if they don’t give them anything”. Therefore, it is not.”

Antipyretics are not prophylactics, DeZure points out. “Treatment.”

one time If the temperature is accurately checked and the child is confirmed to have a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) or higher, the correct dose of antipyretic medication, according to the child’s weight and age in the instructions for the medication Woolford said it was reasonable to give

A poll found that two-thirds of parents first try alternatives, such as using cold washcloths, to bring down the fever.

“The goal is to keep the child comfortable,” Woolford said. “To make sure they’re lightly dressed, keep the room cool, keep them comfortably cool so they don’t get cold, and keep them well hydrated.”

However, parents should contact a pediatrician if an infant under 3 months of age develops a fever. Parents should contact a pediatrician immediately if a child has a fever with significant symptoms such as extreme sleepiness, neck pain, and difficulty breathing.

Polls show that approximately 65% ​​of parents record the time of each dose, which is something every parent should do so they don’t risk an overdose if a second dose is needed. I am reporting to you. A second dose should not be given to prevent the fever from returning, DeZure and Woolford said.

“I think prevention is a really good approach this time of year, so we can avoid as many of these diseases as possible,” Woolford said.

“We can’t do everything, but we can do a lot of hand hygiene. You can be sure we are not drugging them, they are still contagious and we are sending them to school.”

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