Home Nutrition 1 in 3 Americans Hate the Taste of Tap Water

1 in 3 Americans Hate the Taste of Tap Water

by Universalwellnesssystems

2024 study commissioned by Germany’s AirUp® This shows that while Americans recognize the importance of drinking tap water to stay hydrated, save money, and use less plastic bottles, they are not ready to kick old habits. I am.

munichand Santa Monica, California, March 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — raise the air®The company, the pioneer of the world’s first scent-based beverage system, announced its results today. February 2024 A survey of U.S. consumer sentiment toward hydration and tap water consumption. From taste preferences to daily consumption habits, the survey results paint a detailed picture of America’s hydration culture. Key highlights include:

air up® Original Tritan™ Bottle Electric Orange (PRNewsfoto/air up® inc.)

air up® Original Tritan™ Bottle Electric Orange (PRNewsfoto/air up® inc.)

  • Less than half (44%) 1 in 10 adults 18 and older say they drink the recommended daily amount of water.

  • about 60% of adults say they would like to drink more water.

  • almost 30% of Americans say they dislike the taste of tap water.

  • 26% of adults say they struggle to get their children to drink enough water.

  • 68% of adults say the environmental impact of plastic bottles is an important factor in deciding whether to drink tap water. 63% Drinking bottled water vs. 38% People who drink unfiltered taps.

The findings highlight the critical importance of hydration in overall health and well-being.® We are committed to increasing awareness and education about tap water quality across the country, advocating the benefits of proper hydration.

bad taste
Consumers are increasingly concerned about health and sustainability, but nearly one in three Americans say they dislike the taste of tap water, and more than two-thirds (63%) say they dislike the taste of their drinking water. They choose bottled water as their first choice for consumption. This highlights common barriers to proper hydration and emphasizes the importance of accessible and attractive alternatives to wasteful single-use plastic bottles, of which 60 million are thrown away every day in the United States. Masu.[1].

Similarly, this research shows that there is a worrying gap between intentions and actions when it comes to adequate hydration. Less than half of respondents (44%) reported meeting their daily recommended water intake, but nearly 60% expressed a desire to increase their water intake. This difference highlights the need for innovative solutions that increase the attractiveness of drinking water and promote healthy hydration for consumers.

environmental awareness
The survey also found that nearly 7 in 10 Americans (68%) consider the environmental impact of plastic bottles when deciding on their hydration choices, making single-use plastic more environmentally friendly. This highlighted the growing awareness of the negative impact on people.

In response to these challenges, air up® offers an innovative aroma-based beverage system that transforms the taste and experience of tap water through the science of nasal odor. Breathe in the air by injecting different scents into plain water.® We offer a refreshing and enjoyable alternative to traditional bottled beverages and encourage individuals to prioritize tap water for their hydration needs.

how to inflate® We are working on improving hydration.

  • 69% of international aviation® Customers say that after 6 months of using the product, they are drinking more water every day. 57% found their intake of sugary drinks decreased.

  • raise the air® is dedicated to promoting sustainable hydration practices and empowering individuals to make environmentally responsible choices without sacrificing taste or convenience.

  • Air-up by enhancing the flavor of water with the taste of aroma® offers a unique solution that promotes healthier hydration habits without added sugar or artificial flavors.

  • raise the air® Providing consumers with a wide range of flavor options that can be easily switched at any time, providing a dynamic flavor experience. This is in contrast to single-use beverages, which must be completely consumed before being disposed of.

“Air Up empowers individuals to make healthy, sustainable choices, one sip at a time, without compromising on taste. It not only transforms the experience of drinking water through aroma, but also delivers healthy hydration. “It’s a simple and innovative solution that not only promotes replenishment habits but also tackles the problem. The use of single-use plastic bottles is still far too high in this country,” said Lena Jungst, co-founder of AirUp. Told.®.

See below for more information. https://us.air-up.com/

Research method:

All figures are from Appinio. The total sample size was 1,000 U.S. adults. Fieldwork was conducted on February 27, 2024. The survey was conducted online. This number is representative of all U.S. adults ages 18 and older.

About Air Up®
raise the air® is a German company that has developed the world’s first refillable scent-based beverage system that flavores water with scent alone.Since its release Europe in July 2019air up® We have procured more than 60 million euros After two rounds of funding, the company has grown to a company with operations in 14 countries, including the United States. With this expansion, the company now has over 300 employees worldwide and enjoys a customer base of millions.Air Up Managing Director® include Christian Hout (CEO), yannis kopitz (CEO), Magdalena Jüngst (CCO), Simon Nüesch (CMO), Tim Jäger (Head of Research and Development), tobias klosterman (Senior Vice President, Supply Chain and Logistics).

[1] sauce: https://www.container-recycling.org/index.php/issues/…/275-down-the-drain

photograph – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2366346/air_up_Tritan.jpg
Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2366348/4602508/air_up_Logo.jpg

air up® logo (PRNewsfoto/air up® inc.)air up® logo (PRNewsfoto/air up® inc.)

air up® logo (PRNewsfoto/air up® inc.)



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SOURCE Air Up Co., Ltd.

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